Message from President on Smoke-Free Policy
President Price says University will take two years to implement policy to help smokers seek treatment, support

Duke Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As part of our commitment to the Healthy Duke initiative and to creating a healthy living and working environment, Duke is adopting a new policy to become smoke-free on all property and grounds owned and leased by Duke University beginning July 1, 2020.
The policy will prohibit the use of combustible tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, and hookahs, but it will not apply to non-combustible forms of tobacco such as e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or therapeutic products containing nicotine. This decision was made after considerable study and engagement with student groups, faculty, and staff. As part of this effort, Duke Stores will also discontinue the sale of tobacco products by July 1, 2018.
We are implementing the policy over more than two years in order to allow sufficient time and opportunity for members of our community to seek support and treatment to stop smoking. Nicotine dependence is an addiction that often requires treatment. The Duke Center for Smoking Cessation will lead this effort and offer a robust, evidence-based treatment program to support those who want to quit smoking.
In taking this important step, Duke will be joining many other colleges and universities across the country that have adopted smoke-free policies. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in North Carolina and the United States. Research reveals that two thirds of smokers will die from an illness caused by smoking. This new policy reflects our commitment to the health of every person who studies or works in our community.
Additional details and resources will be distributed in the coming weeks and months to support our transition to a smoke-free campus. You can also find more information on the Healthy Duke website.
Thank you for helping to build a healthier Duke University.