University 102 Gallery Walk
Students in ‘Let’s Talk About Climate Change‘ course show off semester projects

Students participate in “Climate Change Musical Chairs,” a climate conversation starter featuring original student-created music that layered climate disaster reporting soundbytes over electronic beats.
This semester, students enrolled in UNIV 102: Let’s Talk About Climate Change had the opportunity to engage in robust and far-ranging discussions about climate change—and potential solutions to it—with 14 faculty scholars representing fields from geology to linguistics and environmental justice to global health. Students capped off their semester with an interactive Gallery Walk, where each student presented a “conversation starter,” an effort to engage the public in the climate conversation. Projects included climate change musical chairs, a handmade baby quilt, vintage postcard designs, climate quizzes, and more.
Emily Bernhardt and Norman Wirzba engage a student on their “Climate Conversation Starter” Univ102 class project on the Bryan Center Plaza.
Bernhardt, is the James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Biology and chair of the department. Norman Wirzba, is the Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Theology at the Divinity School.
Norman Wirzba engages students on their class project and aspects of climate work.
Dr. Richard Larrick discusses project work with a group of students during the gallery walk of the UNIV 102 Climate class.
Students compare thoughts and ideas on climate fundamentals as part of the Monday night class project gallery walk.
The Chapel presents a nice backdrop for students to discuss ideas related to climate work.
Hosting the Gallery Walk on the BC Plaza allowed passersby to stop and engage with the students’ climate conversation starters.
Launched in Fall 2021, university courses at Duke offer gateway experiences to help undergraduates make sense of complex societal issues, while featuring the breadth of extraordinary scholarship and teachers we enjoy at Duke. The course is part of Duke‘s Climate Commitment, which seeks to address climate change issues through research and teaching and includes the goal off making students fluent in sustainability and climate issues.