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Latkapalooza: Jelly Donuts and Dreidels for the Fourth Day of Hanukkah

the lit candles show the move through the eight days of Hanukkah

Latkapalooza marked the fourth day of Hanukkah. Photo by Jacob Whatley

Much of the Duke Jewish community gathered Wednesday night at the Brodhead Center to celebrate Latkapalooza, held on the fourth day of Hanukkah. Organized by the Duke Jewish Student Union, the event served up Hanukkah treats including latkes, a chocolate fountain and sufganiyot (an Israeli jelly donut that’s a delicious staple of Hanukkah celebrations), as well as some competitive dreidel games.

The Duke community celebrates Latkapalooza Wednesday

Student light the fourth candle of Hanukkah Photo by Jacob Whatley

Hanukkah celebrations continue on campus with dinners and special events every night during the holiday. It concludes Sunday, Dec. 5. For full schedule of events, visit Jewish Life at Duke.

Earlier in the week, the center marked the start of the holiday on Nov. 28. President Vincent Price and Provost Sally Kornbluth joined Campus Rabbi  on Nov. 30 to help light the third candle of the holiday. (Photo courtesy Center for Jewish Life)

President Price, Provost Kornbluth and Rabbi Elana Friedman