Two Clusters of COVID Cases Identified Among Students
Students to remain in isolation for 10 days

Duke and Durham County Department of Public Health have identified two clusters of COVID-19 cases related to gatherings of two groups of students over the last week. A “cluster” is defined by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services as five or more related cases that are deemed to be in close proximity of time and location, such as a residential hall or apartment complex.
The first cluster included 29 Duke medical students and the second cluster included seven members of the Duke women’s field hockey team, all of whom tested positive following gatherings in various locations in Durham. In both clusters, all the students involved were vaccinated and most have reported no symptoms. The rest have reported mild symptoms including headaches and nasal congestion. Students who test positive for COVID-19 will have to isolate for 10 days. Contact tracers have identified others who may have had close contact with these individuals, and they will be subject to enhanced testing protocols over the next week.
As a reminder, all members of the Duke community should continue wear a mask inside buildings on- and off-campus, consistent with university and Durham city/county guidelines, and avoid indoor dining.
For more information about the steps Duke is taking to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including information on vaccine requirements, mask mandates and testing, visit the Duke United website.