Duke To Welcome More Than 1,740 New Students To Campus Tuesday
More than 1,740 new students from 55 countries, 48 states to arrive on campus
Duke University’s Class of 2021 -- comprised of more than 1,740 students from 55 countries and 48 states -- will arrive on campus Tuesday will a full schedule of orientation activities facing them.
Slightly more than half the class identifies as students of color, including a record 233 African-American students (13 percent of the class) and 209 Latino students (12 percent of the total).
“While the selectivity of our process and the diversity of the incoming class are noteworthy, I think what people on campus will notice the most is the energy and engagement these students will bring to Duke,” said Christoph Guttentag, Duke’s dean of undergraduate admissions.
More than 1,120 high schools and 900 cities and towns are represented in the pool. Among U.S. states, the largest contingent of incoming students comes from North Carolina, followed by New York, Florida, California and Texas.
“Their accomplishments represent an ability and inclination to think beyond just themselves, to follow through on commitments that make their communities -- large and small -- better, to appreciate the opportunities they’ve been given, and to respond well to challenges when things don’t go as planned,” Guttentag said of the new class. “I’m excited to have them on campus.”
As is the case each year, the incoming first-year class will be immediately busy with a series of new-student programs that focus on building community, increasing students’ sense of belonging and promoting health and wellness, said Jordan Hale, Duke’s assistant dean for housing and residence life.
Highlights include:
-- Opening Night Program: On Tuesday at 8:45 p.m. at Jack Katz Stadium on East Campus, the Class of 2021 will continue the tradition of participating in an opening night program where they hear from students, faculty and staff about being members of the incoming class. Additionally, they will all wear glow-in-the-dark devil horns as a part of their welcome.
-- Convocation: New student convocation, 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23, Duke Chapel.
-- Class Photo: At sunset on Wednesday, Aug. 23, the Class of 2021 will spell out "2021" and take their annual class photo on the East Campus quad.
-- Closing speaker: To conclude Orientation Week, former Duke basketball player Grant Hill will speak to the Class of 2021. His lecture is a co-planned program with Delta Gamma Sorority, INC as a part of their lectureship series on values and ethics.
Duke’s many graduate and professional programs welcome new classes of students as well. They include:
-- 216 new students at Duke Divinity School;
-- 263 new students at Duke School of Nursing;
-- 344 new students at the Pratt School of Engineering;
-- 116 new students at the Duke School of Medicine;
-- 196 new students at the Nicholas School of the Environment;
-- 313 new students at the Duke School of Law;
-- 958 new students at the Duke Graduate School;
-- 1,060 new students at the Fuqua School of Business; and
-- 119 new students at the Sanford School of Public Policy.