Two Health System Workplaces Earn Green Workplace Certification
Internal Medicine Residency Program and HHMI Office of Administrative Service are certified
The Internal Medicine Residency Program at the Duke University School of Medicine, as well as the HHMI Office of Administrative Service earned Duke Green Workplace Certification in September, bringing the total to 68 certified green workplaces on campus and over 1,500 staff working in these areas. The Green Workplace Certification recognizes work areas that formally assess how they are reducing their environmental footprint.
The Internal Medicine Residency Program earned certification for five staff members by completing 40 out of 58 items on the checklist. The program has significantly reduced paper consumption by converting all paper portfolios to an electronic filing system and reducing the size and length of printed publications. Staff reuse scrap paper, cancelled junk mail and have a designated area for sharing office supplies that can be reused. The department has also set up energy saving modes on computers as well as copiers.
The HHMI Office of Administrative Service (OAS) completed 43 out of 58 checklist items, earning certification for four staff members. OAS staff turn off lights when not in used and shut down their computers at night. They use reusable shopping bags, water bottles, dishes and utensils. The department purchases recycled content paper and offices supplies and compiles purchasing into bulk orders that reduce packaging.
Duke's Office of Sustainability administers the Duke Green Workplace Certification, which begins when a representative from a work area attends the free "Leading for Environmental Sustainability" workshop. As part of the workshop, participants receive a checklist of sustainable practices ranging from double-sided printing to using eco-friendly dishwashing soap in a break room. A work area that can demonstrate it follows at least 40 of the checklist's 58 items can apply for certification and permission to post the Duke Green Workplace seal in its office and on materials.
View a complete list of certified offices and the actions they completed to earn certification.