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Writing As Fundamental to Graduate Education

Duke center's workshop for graduate students explores process of scholarly writing

PAL writing workshop

More than 65 graduate students from the humanities and social sciences participated in "Writing Is Thinking II" workshop Friday sponsored by Duke's Center for Philosophy, Arts, and Literature (PAL).

Pictured, Toril Moi, director of PAL, addresses the faculty and graduate students in attendance at the Smith Warehouse.

Writing is the very essence of what scholars in the humanities and the interpretive social sciences do, Moi said, but the university offers few writing resources specifically for graduate students.

"These workshops are fundamental to PAL's mission," Moi said. "If we learn anything from studying philosophy and literature, it is surely that words matter. Our words express our experience, including our intellectual experience."

In a morning session faculty members from Duke and other institutions spoke about the process of writing.  In the afternoon, 17 students participated in small group sessions that offered individual advice tailored to different disciplines.

The program was co-sponsored by the Thompson Writing Program and Duke's Graduate School.