Where at Duke is the Blue Devil? Sanford School of Public Policy
Flat Blue Devil visits Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy to view special photo exhibit

"Flat Blue Devil" visits Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy to view
the photography exhibit "Terry Sanford: An American Original."
Sanford, North Carolina governor, U.S. senator, Duke University
president and namesake of the Sanford School had a remarkable life of
public service. The photography exhibit, on display on the main floor of
the Sanford Building on West Campus, intends to provide a window into his life and legacies.
"The Sanford School owes its existence to the vision of Terry Sanford,"
said Sanford's inaugural Dean Bruce Kuniholm. "He was a progressive,
inspiring leader, not only in education, but in civil rights. We made
this exhibit a permanent installation in order to provide current and
future students - as well as the many other visitors to the Sanford
Building - with some insight into the man who was ranked by one Harvard
study as one of the ten best governors of the 20th century."
Sanford also has been credited with launching Duke's transformation from
small liberal arts college to world-class research institution.
The permanent photography exhibit includes 27 photographs, many large
format, that chronicle Sanford's career in politics and public service.
Emphasis was placed on Sanford's contributions as governor of North
Carolina, his importance in the national political arena, and his
leadership at Duke from 1970 to 1985.
"Terry Sanford: An American Original" is free and open to the public on
the main level of the Sanford Building, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The exhibit was made possible by a gift from Jennifer Hillman, T '79
(BA, Political Science and MA, Educational Administration). Hillman
worked as legislative director and counsel for Sanford during his term
in the U.S. Senate. The Sanford School is also grateful to the Sanford family for providing access to hundreds of family photographs.
About the "Flat Blue Devil"
The "Flat Blue Devil" makes appearances to showcase locations,
resources, services and events of interest to the Duke community. You
may also find Flat Blue Devil making stops at a global destination, or
other places that hold importance to the community or history of Duke.
Part of the fun is faculty and staff can take Flat Blue Devil on an
adventure - he can go anywhere, as long as there's a strong Duke
Let us know where you'd like to take Flat Blue Devil, and we'll send him
your way. Then please send him back to us or pass him to friends and co-workers who can show
off more of Flat Blue Devil's journey.