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Pictures from First Day of Classes

Seniors Smiti Shah, Elena Waechtler, and Alexa Burnston celebrate their LAST FDOC (first day of classes) on Duke’s West Campus

While classes began remotely Wednesday, there was still plenty of activity occurring on university campus, with many students taking the traditional First Day of Classes photo in front of the chapel. Above, seniors Smiti Shah, Elena Waechtler and Alexa Burnston celebrate the start of their last semester on Duke’s West Campus.

About one-third of undergraduates are currently living on campus, according to student affairs officials. The university has placed temporary restrictions on activities, including restricting dining to grab and go. While outside, students may remain unmasked, but masks remain required inside any building, including residence halls. All students must still comply with re-entry and surveillance testing requirements when they return to campus.

On-campus testing is available for faculty, staff and students at a number of sites, which are listed on the Duke United website.

student walks out grab and go meal in front of the Brodhead Center

Brodhead Center dining is restricted to grab and go meals until Jan. 18.

students take photos of each other to document first day of classes

Photos by Bill Snead of Digital and Brand Strategy in Duke University Communications.