New Hours of Operation for Duke Corporate Payroll Services
Changes take effect Nov. 1, 2021

Starting on Nov. 1. 2021, Corporate Payroll Services will begin new hours of operation.
New hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday; the office will be closed for lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The change in hours will assist payroll staff in addressing the high volume of transactions received daily.
"Corporate Payroll Services is committed to providing quality customer service on a regular basis," said Kassaundra Hester, director of Corporate Payroll Services. "Your cooperation and patience is very much appreciated as we identify avenues to streamline processes in an effective and timely manner."
Individuals who need to address customer service needs outside of the new business hours can schedule an appointment with a payroll representative by calling 919-684-2642.