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Research Week Features Hot Topics and New Tools

Faculty and Students to Share Cutting Edge Work; Innovations Showcased

Research Week is January 25-29
Research Week is January 25-29

The plans have been adjusted a bit for virtual participation, but all systems are go for Research Week 2021 at Duke, Jan. 25-29.

This first-ever event will include the inaugural Ingrid Daubechies Lecture and updates from Duke researchers working on the frontiers of political science, Covid, Quantum computing, CRISPR gene editing and artificial intelligence. Participants can earn some Responsible Conduct of Research training credits and hear a sampling of work from our students and postdocs.

The Office of Research, which is hosting the event, will also be unveiling a powerful new platform for research planning and administration, myRESEARCHsuite.

And the Office of Licensing and Ventures will be hosting its annual showcase of Duke-grown startup companies.

“This is a sort of a celebration,” said Vice President for Research Larry Carin. “Duke’s researchers, from senior faculty to undergraduates, have risen above the challenges faced in this new world of social distancing, infectious disease controls, and surveillance testing.”

“Duke Research Week is an opportunity to showcase the extraordinary research accomplishments our faculty and students achieved under unimaginable challenges and constraints,” Carin said.

Monday, Jan. 25:  SARS-CoV-2 testing and modeling; Young voters in 2021 and beyond.

Tuesday, Jan. 26: Introduction to myRESEARCHsuite; Daubechies Lecture: “Waves: Building Blocks in Nature and Mathematics,” with Gigliola Staffilani of MIT; Grad student and postdoc mini-talks.

Wednesday, Jan. 27: FlyRDU design challenge winners; Undergraduate research virtual poster session; Research Town Hall – Fundamentals of the Scientific Process panel discussions; Invented at Duke showcase.

Thursday, Jan. 28: Introduction to the Duke Quantum Center; The Human genome and CRISPR technologies.

Friday, Jan. 29:  Artificial Intelligence and Health, a half-day symposium in three parts.

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