Dolbow Named Assistant VP for Research
Charged with improving data management campus-wide

John E. Dolbow, a professor of mechanical engineering & materials science and mathematics will join the Office of Research as an assistant vice president for Research, beginning July 1.
“I’ll be working with faculty, students and staff to understand their challenges within Duke’s research enterprise, and try to develop tools and processes to help them,” said Dolbow, who’s official charge is to improve the university’s data management policies. “I expect to focus on areas of long-term strategic importance to Duke’s research mission, such as aspects of research data, including storage, provenance, and accessibility.”
Dolbow is a Bass Fellow and a member of the Rhodes Information Initiative and the Energy Initiative. He is also the director of graduate studies for mechanical engineering & materials science.
“Progress in these key areas is of strategic importance to Duke’s long-term research mission, and John’s leadership will be an invaluable addition to the office,” said Vice President for Research Larry Carin.