Harriet Tubman's Life in Pictures
Students in Story+ project explore the different sides to an abolitionist, political activist, feminist and warrior
The Story+ Photographic Life of Harriet: Tubman’s Life in Pictures team explored the visual life of Harriet Tubman in diverse illustrations of the abolitionist. Students working on this project organized the visual archive of Tubman’s representation from photographs she took during her lifetime, and included her enduring images in public memory, including statues, memorials, museums, murals and fine art by canonic artists.
For more information, visit this Story+ teams page here: https://fhi.duke.edu/story-plus-proje...
The team of student created the The Photographic Life of Harriet Tubman website to illustrate their work and research findings: https://photographiclifeht.wixsite.co....
Story+ is a 6-week paid summer research experience for Duke students—undergraduates and graduates—interested in exploring humanities research approaches including archival research, oral histories, narrative analysis, visual analysis, etc., with an emphasis on storytelling for different public audiences.
Learn more at: https://fhi.duke.edu/programs/story. Directed and shot by Eric Barstow. Editing and color correction by Nonnie Egbuna, T'20