Gift to Establish Four Professorships at Fuqua School of Business
The Duke Endowment will provide $7 million in matching funds.
Duke University has received a $7 million grant to establish four professorships to bolster faculty excellence in research and teaching at The Fuqua School of Business, President Vincent E. Price said Thursday.
The gift from The Duke Endowment, a private foundation based in Charlotte, will provide matching funds to establish four endowed full professorships at Fuqua. The Endowment will match gifts of $1.75 million from future donors for each of the professorships, bringing the total of Duke’s Fuqua Faculty Support Challenge to $14 million.
“We are very grateful to The Duke Endowment and other supporters for their gifts establishing four full professorships through the Fuqua Faculty Support Challenge,” said Price. “This gift will ensure that Fuqua’s faculty can continue to deliver the highest caliber of teaching and research.”
The new endowed professorships will allow Fuqua to recruit and retain top faculty in the field of business education by helping the school reward excellence in its faculty and providing a path for up-and-coming scholars as they mature in their fields of research.
“The Duke Endowment recognizes the value of faculty excellence at Duke,” said Fuqua Dean Bill Boulding. “Fuqua’s faculty are among the best in the world, and their research and teaching can be a positive force for the betterment of global society.”
“From the time The Duke Endowment was established as a private foundation in 1924, it has enjoyed a strong partnership with Duke University,” said Minor Shaw, chair of the Endowment’s board. “We are excited to award this new grant as part of our continuing support for Duke’s commitment to academic excellence.”