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New Reads This Fall from Duke Faculty

Scholarship, photography, film and even historical romance: Faculty and staff offer something for any reader (and viewer)

Part of the A Guide to Duke Author Books Series
images from book covers of new Duke author publications

Fall books from Duke authors cover pressing issues from today’s political and economic landscape but also topics that will be at the forefront in the future. From the unfinished struggle for economic justice in Selma to the future of language in America and use of an extraordinary new brain cancer treatment, Duke writers bring their expertise to issues that matter.

Many of the books, including new editions of previous titles, can be found on the "Duke Authors" display shelves near the circulation desk in Perkins Library. Some are available as e-books for quick download. Most can also be purchased through the Gothic Bookshop.

[Duke Today will provide similar updates in the future. If you are a member of the Duke faculty or staff who will be publishing a book of interest to a general audience, send us a message about it along with your publisher's brief description.]


Dan Ariely, co-author: “Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter” (Harper, Nov. 7)

Blending humor with behavioral economics, the Duke professor and bestselling author of “Predictably Irrational” delves into the illogical world of personal finance to help people better understand why they make bad financial decisions, and gives them the knowledge they need to make better ones. Partnering with financial comedian and writer Jeff Kreisler, Ariely exposes the hidden motivations that are driving our choices about money.


Policy Shock Edward Balleisen, Lori Bennear, Kimberly Krawiec and Jonathan Wiener, editors: “Policy Shock: Recalibrating Risk and Regulation After Oil Spills, Nuclear Accidents, and Financial Crises” (Cambridge University Press, Oct. 31)

A new book edited by four Duke scholars examines how crisis events can reshape law and regulation, and how these lessons can lead to improved policies. “This book is part of our larger project on how laws can learn,” said law professor Jonathan Wiener, who spoke to Duke Law Magazine. The project was convened by the Rethinking Regulation program at Duke’s Kenan Institute for Ethics, which Wiener and Bennear co-direct.  All of the co-editors contributed essays to the book.


Dr. Nicholas Bandarenko, editor; Dr. Jessica Poisson, contributing editor: “Blood Transfusion Therapy: A Physician’s Handbook, 12th Edition” (AABB Press, October 2017)

Bandarenko, an associate professor of pathology, describes current science, best practices and new directions in transfusion management for physicians and other health care providers. Poisson, an assistant professor of pathology, is the contributing editor of the “Patient Blood Management” chapter.


Dominika M. Baran: “Language in Immigrant America” (Cambridge University Press, Oct. 31)

Baran, an assistant professor of English, challenges mainstream, historically established assumptions about American citizenship and identity in a book relevant to current topics such as language and ethnicity, the relationship between non-native English and American identity, and perceptions and stereotypes related to foreign accents. Chapters also discuss code-switching, hybrid language forms such as Spanglish, language and the family, and the future of language in America.


Dr. Andrew Berchuck, co-editor: “Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 7th Edition” (LWW)

"When this text was conceived 25 years ago it solely focused on defining the standard of care in developed nations," says Berchuck, professor and director of the Duke Division of Gynecologic Oncology. "Now for the first time it brings a truly global perspective as our community has united to reduce suffering and death from these cancers throughout the world."

Marc Zvi Brettler, co-editor: “The Jewish Annotated New Testament, Second Edition” (Oxford University Press)

Brettler, Bernice and Morton Lerner Professor in Judaic Studies, updates and expands this groundbreaking work, first published in 2011, that brings the New Testament's Jewish background to the attention of students, clergy and general readers. In this new edition, 80 Jewish scholars provide unparalleled scholarship to shed new light on the text. There are 24 new essays, on topics such as "Mary in Jewish Tradition," "Christology," and "Messianic Judaism."


Kelly Brownell, co-author: “Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Comprehensive Handbook, Third Edition” (The Guilford Press)

Brownell, dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy, marshals the insights of leading clinical researchers, including Duke Psychology and Neuroscience professor Gary G. Bennett, co-author of the handbook’s chapter, “Weight Loss Approaches for Black Populations.” The new edition reflects 15 years of important advances in both fields, including state-of-the-art intervention approaches and a growing focus on how the brain regulates eating behavior.


Cliburn Chan and Shein-Chung Chow, co-editors: “Quantitative Methods for HIV/AIDS Research” (Chapman and Hall/CRC)

The book provides a comprehensive discussion of modern statistical approaches for the analysis of HIV/AIDS data, with contributions by statisticians and mathematicians involved in HIV research. Chan and Chow are professors of biostatistics and bioinformatics.


Brain Tumors immunology book cover Vidya Chandramohan, Dr. John Sampson and Dr. Darell Bigner, co-contributors; John Sampson, editor: “Translational Immunotherapy of Brain Tumors” (Elsevier/Academic Press)

Duke neurosurgeon John Sampson is the editor of this book for practitioners and researchers who are interested in learning about mechanisms that use the immune system to treat brain tumors. Chandramohan, an assistant professor in neurosurgery, and Bigner, a neuropathologist who sees patients at The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, are co-authors of “Immunotoxin Therapy for Brain Tumors” and “Preclinical Immunotherapeutic Animal Models for Brain Tumors.”


Mark Chaves: “American Religion: Contemporary Trends” Second Edition. (Princeton University Press)

With updated data and a new preface by Chaves, this revised edition provides information about key developments in American religion since 1972, presenting evidence that religiosity is declining in America. Chaves is a professor of sociology, religion and in the Divinity School. He is also the author of “Congregations in America” and “Ordaining Women: Culture and Conflict in Religious Organizations.”


Dorie Clark: “Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive” (Harvard Business Review Press, Oct. 3)

Dorie Clark, a marketing strategy consultant and adjunct professor at the Fuqua School of Business, provides a blueprint for professional entrepreneurs, with advice on building brand and digital impact. She shares the stories of entrepreneurs of all types. You can download her free “Entrepreneurial You” self-assessment workbook at

Charles T. Clotfelter: “Unequal Colleges in the Age of Disparity” (Belknap Press, an imprint of Harvard University Press, Oct. 30)

Clotfelter, a professor of public policy, economics and law, finds that despite a revolution in civil rights, billions spent on financial aid and the commitment of colleges to greater equality, stratification has grown starker. Clotfelter shows that exclusive colleges have benefited disproportionately from America’s growing income inequality. As endowments have ballooned, their students have become more academically advantaged, owing in part to the extraordinary steps affluent families take to groom their children for college admission.


Cori Crane, co-editor and contributor: “Approaches to Kurban Said’s ‘Ali and Nino’: Love, Identity, and Intercultural Conflict” (Camden House)

“Ali and Nino” is a novel published in German in 1937 under the alias "Kurban Said," a love story between a Muslim man and a Christian woman set in Baku, Azerbaijan, during World War I and the country's brief independence. Recent research revealing the identity of the author as Lev/Leo Abramovich Nussimbaum (1905-1942), a Jewish man born in Baku who converted to Islam, worked as a journalist in Berlin, and died forgotten, has spurred new interest in the once-popular novel, as has the fact that it prefigures today's conflict between Islam and Christianity. It also suggests a more peaceful model of intercultural living in multiethnic and multicultural Baku, a melting pot of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Cori Crane is a professor in Duke's Department of Germanic Languages and Literature and Language Program director.


Dr. Jodi Dodds: “Carotid and Vertebral Artery Dissection: A Guide for Survivors and Their Loved Ones” (CreateSpace)

Dodds, a vascular neurologist at Duke, is a nationally recognized expert on strokes in younger populations and creator of The Stroke Blog. Writing with a colleague and recent stroke survivor, Dodds has created an important and needed resource for patients and their families as they navigate through the aftermath of strokes and vascular injuries.


Kenneth Dodge and John D. Coie, co-authors: “Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group Manual” (The Guilford Press)

From leading authorities, this volume presents a evidence-based group intervention for the 10 to 15 percent of children who are challenged by peer difficulties in elementary school. Dodge is a professor of public policy and director of the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy.. Coie is a Duke professor emeritus of psychology: social and health sciences, and is a past chair of the National Institute of Mental Health grant review panel on prevention research.


Ariel Dorfman: “Homeland Security Ate My Speech: Messages from the End of the World” (OR Books, Dec. 12)

Ariel Dorfman, an emeritus professor of literature and the author of the play “Death and the Maiden,” combines elements of memoir, political theory and literary criticism in this forthcoming collection of essays, offering an emotionally raw yet measured assessment of the United States after the election of President Donald Trump.


Book Cover for The Duke Katharine Brophy Dubois (writing under the pen name Katharine Ashe): “The Duke: A Devil's Duke Novel” (Avon)

Dubois, a lecturing fellow of European history, continues her lush and sensual Devil’s Duke series with a sweeping story of unbreakable love. For this Duke Today feature, she said she likes to set her stories in the British Empire during a time period known as the Regency, from 1811 to 1820 when the Prince Regent ruled until the death of his father, King George III. She says she writes fiction because she thinks modern readers “deserve grand adventures and breathtaking sensuality too.”


Susan Grove Eastman: “Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology” (Eerdmans)

In this book, associate research professor of New Testament Susan Grove Eastman explores Paul's participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Eastman devotes attention to the Pauline letters within their first-century context, particularly the Greco-Roman fascination with questions of performance and identity. At the same time, she uses recent trends in psychology and neurobiology to situate Paul's insights with contemporary understandings of human identity.


Stefani Engelstein: “Sibling Action: The Genealogical Structure of Modernity” (Columbia University Press, December 2017)

Stefani Engelstein, associate professor and chair of the department of Germanic languages and literature, discusses the pervasive significance of sibling structures and their essential role in the modern organization of knowledge and identity. Engelstein provides the foundation for less confrontational formulations of belonging, identity and agency.


Book cover, the crisis of Egyptian liberalism Daanish Faruqi,co-editor: “Egypt and the Contradictions of Liberalism: Illiberal Intelligentsia and the Future of Egyptian Democracy” (Oneworld)

Faruqi, a Ph.D. candidate in history, assembles experts in Middle East studies, political science, philosophy, Islamic studies and law to address the failure of Egyptian liberalism in the period following the 2011 Tahrir Square uprising. The book was recently featured in The New York Review of Books.


Joel Fleishman: “Putting Wealth to Work: Philanthropy for Today or Investing for Tomorrow?” (Public Affairs)

Fleishman, a professor of law and public policy, provides expert analysis of contemporary philanthropy, offering insight for those engaging with charitable foundations. Fleishman, director of the Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society at Duke, explores philanthropy’s potential for transforming America’s civic sector landscape. Many foundations are engaging in advocacy on controversial issues, exploring venture philanthropy solutions, and experimenting with impact investing.


Karlyn Forner: “Why the Vote Wasn’t Enough for Selma” (Duke University Press, Oct. 13)

Forner, project manager of the SNCC Digital Gateway at Duke University Libraries, rewrites the heralded story of Selma to explain why gaining the right to vote did not bring about economic justice for African-Americans in the Alabama Black Belt. In her book, praised in starred reviews in both Library Journal and Publishers Weekly, she demonstrates that voting rights are only part of the story in the black freedom struggle and that economic justice is central to achieving full citizenship.


Dr. Allen Frances: "Twilight of American Sanity: A Psychiatrist Analyzes the Age of Trump" (William Morrow)

“Trump is a symptom of a world in distress, not its sole cause,” writes Frances, professor emeritus and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Duke. Frances, past leader of the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM (“the bible of psychology”), offers a needed prescription for reclaiming our bearings. (Listen to an interview on WNYC radio here.)

Curtis W. Freeman: “Undomesticated Dissent: Democracy and the Public Virtue of Religious Nonconformity” (Baylor University Press)

Freeman, research professor of theology and director of the Baptist House of Studies at Duke Divinity School, writes a sweeping intellectual history of the public virtue of religiously motivated dissent from the 17th century to the present, comparing, contrasting and then weighing the various types of dissent -- evangelical and spiritual dissent (John Bunyan), economic and social dissent (Daniel Defoe), radical and apocalyptic dissent (William Blake). Freeman reveals how these three men transmitted their democratic ideas across the globe, hidden within the text of their stories.


Anne Garréta: “Not One Day / Pas un jour” (Deep Vellum Publishing)

“Not One Day” begins with a maxim: “Not one day without a woman.” What follows is an intimate, sensuous exploration of memory and desire by French novelist Anne Garréta, research professor of literature. Garréta is also the author of the new novel “Dans l’béton” (Grasset).


Gary Gereffi, co-editor: “Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation” (Routledge)

In a book of interest to both researchers and policymakers studying the dynamic sources of competitive advantage in the global economy, Gereffi explores how firms organize manufacturing and innovation activities amid ongoing technological shifts. Gereffi is a professor of sociology and founding director of the Center on Globalization, Governance, & Competitiveness at Duke.


book cover of Michael Gillespie's study of Nietzsche Michael Allen Gillespie: “Nietzsche's Final Teaching” (The University of Chicago Press)

Cutting against the grain of most current Nietzsche scholarship, Gillespie, professor of political science and philosophy, presents the thought of the late German philosopher, drawing not only on his published works but on the plans for the works he was unable to complete. Gillespie argues that the idea of the eternal recurrence, first broached in in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” transformed Nietzsche’s thinking from 1881 to 1889.


Michael Hardt, co-author: “Assembly (Heretical Thought)” (Oxford University Press)

Drawing on ideas developed through their well-known Empire trilogy, political theorists Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri have produced, in “Assembly,” a proposal for how today's “leaderless” social movements can better harness power to effect lasting change. They advocate social unionism, or mixing labor organizing with social movements.  Publishers Weekly says this work “is a fascinating, challenging theoretical journey into a future beyond capitalism.” Michael Hardt is a professor of literature and director of the Social Movements Lab.


Alex Harris, photographer & Alex Harris and Margaret Sartor, coeditors: “Dream of a House: The Passions and Preoccupations of Reynolds Price” (George F. Thompson Publishing)

Confined to a wheelchair for the last 27 years of his life, novelist Reynolds Price surrounded himself at home with art and objects that he loved. After Price died, professor Alex Harris (Public Policy and Documentary Studies) was asked by the Price family and Duke University to document the house before it was sold and the artwork as a living collection disassembled. In this creative work, carefully selected excerpts from Price's writings are interwoven with Harris' photographs. TV journalist and Duke alumnus Charlie Rose, Price’s friend for 50 years and fellow eastern North Carolina native, says in a dust jacket review that the book gives us a look inside Price’s personal world. Margaret Sartor, a co-editor, is a visiting lecturer at Duke. Read an excerpt in The Paris Review.


book cover on Mihri Hatun Didem Havlioglu: “Mihrî Hatun: Performance, Gender-Bending, and Subversion in Ottoman Intellectual History” (Syracuse University Press)

Didem Havlioglu, a lecturing fellow in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, gives readers a glimpse into the early modern Ottoman woman’s intellectual world, exploring the factors that allowed poet Mihri Hatun (1460 - 1515) to survive and thrive despite her departure from the cultural norms of the time.


Dan Heath, co-author: “The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact” (Simon & Schuster)

Dan Heath and his brother Chip, New York Times bestselling authors of “Switch” and “Made to Stick,” explore why certain brief experiences can jolt us and elevate us and change us -- and how we can learn to create extraordinary moments in our life and work. Dan Heath is a senior fellow at Duke’s CASE center, which supports entrepreneurs fighting for social good.


James C. Howell, co-editor; Elaine A. Heath and William H. Willimon, contributors: “Mentoring for Ministry: The Grace of Growing Pastors” (Cascade Books, Wipf and Stock Publishers)

Duke Divinity School Dean Elaine A. Heath and professor William H. Willimon are among the clergy writers sharing their experience of mentoring and being mentored. James Howell, who received his Ph.D. in Biblical theology from Duke, is senior pastor of Myers Park United Methodist Church in Charlotte and adjunct professor of preaching at the Divinity School. Howell is also author of the new book, “Worshipful: Living Sunday Morning All Week” (Cascade Books).


Kristin L. Huffman and Caroline Bruzelius, co-editors: “Visualizing Venice: Mapping and Modeling Time and Change in a City” (Routledge, Oct. 13).

Written by those behind the Visualizing Venice project, the book explores the ways in which new technologies such as 3-D images and interoperable models, GIS mapping and historical cartography facilitate fascinating stories about places and times within history. Essay authors include Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies professors Caroline Bruzelius, Mark Olson and Victoria Szabo; instructor Kristin L. Huffman; postdoctoral associate Ludovica Galeazzo; multimedia analyst Hannah Jacobs; and Duke alumna Laura Moure Cecchini.


book cover on Water Security Marc Jeuland, Erika Weinthal, contributors: “Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy” (Routledge)

Marc Jeuland, associate professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, and Erika Weinthal, a professor of environmental policy, are contributing authors to this review of case studies looking at the rising pressure to U.S. interests from global water scarcity, extreme weather events and water-driven ecological change.


Dr. Xiaoyin “Sara” Jiang, contributor: “Management of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer” (Springer)

Jiang, an assistant professor of pathology, is the author of “Pathologic Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer,” a chapter in this comprehensive, textbook. The book reviews new data about molecular genetics and molecular diagnostic approaches, covers diagnosis and treatment of localized disease and conventional and newer therapies for dealing with recurrent and metastatic disease.


Shambhavi Kaul, director: “Hijacked” (2017). Super 16mm/HD.

Kaul, an assistant professor of the practice of filmmaking in the department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies, premiered her 15-minute film at the BFI London Film Festival (Oct. 4-15). Airplane space is inhabited by characters for whom “escape,” one of the promises of airplane technology, proves elusive.


Dr. Gretchen Kimmick, chief editor: “Cardio-Oncology: The Clinical Overlap of Cancer and Heart Disease” (Springer)

Duke Cancer Institute breast oncologist Dr. Gretchen Kimmick is chief editor of this new textbook targeted to providers who care for patients with both cancer and cardiovascular disease. The user-friendly chapters, many co-written by Duke authors, provide an overview of epidemiology, basic science and clinical knowledge.


Helen F. Ladd, co-author: “Educational Goods: Values, Evidence, and Decision-Making” (University of Chicago Press, December 2017)

Ladd, a professor emeritus of public policy, helps us rethink our decision-making about schools. What should we as a society be looking for from education -- what exactly should those who make decisions be trying to achieve?


Kimberly Lamm, contributor: “Feminism and Art History Now: Radical Critiques of Theory and Practice” (I.B. Tauris)

Lamm, an associate professor in the Program of Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, contributes a chapter to this book that presents new research on art history. Lamm contributes a chapter on “Gestures of Inclusion, Bodily Damage and the Hauntings of Exploitation in Global Feminisms.”


Matthew C. Makel, co-editor: “Toward a More Perfect Psychology: Improving Trust, Accuracy, and Transparency in Research” (American Psychological Association)

Makel, director of research at the Duke University Talent Identification Program, presents strategies to help strengthen the field of psychology by improving research. Included are strategies for maximizing the quality and influence of research, and for evaluating and responding to the research of others.

Dr. Michael Merson, co-author: “The AIDS Pandemic: Searching for a Global Response” (Springer)

Merson, founding director of the Duke Global Health Institute, provides an unflinching account of the inspiration and dysfunction at the heart of the global response to the AIDS pandemic, offering many lessons for current and future international efforts to combat pandemics and health disparities. As a director of Global Programme on AIDS (GPA), Merson both participated in and observed the global response during the crucial early years of the pandemic. The book combines Merson’s personal experience with information and insights obtained from official documents, other sources, and more than 125 interviews with other major protagonists.


From "William Gedney: Only the Lonely 1955–1984"

Lisa McCarty, Margaret Sartor & Gilles Mora co-authors: “William Gedney: Only the Lonely, 1955–1984” (University of Texas Press)

The most complete overview of Gedney’s work to date, this volume reveals the undeniable beauty of a major American photographer. Gedney (1932–1989) produced impressive series of images focused on people whose lives were overlooked, hidden or reduced to stereotypes. Gedney died at the age of 56 from AIDS. Lisa McCarty is curator of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Margaret Sartor is a writer, photographer and curator who teaches at the Center for Documentary Studies. She is the coeditor with Geoff Dyer of “What Was True: The Photographs and Notes of William Gedney.”


Toril Moi: “Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell” (University of Chicago Press)

Moi, the James B. Duke Professor of Literature and Romance Studies, argues for the power of ordinary language philosophy -- a tradition inaugurated by Ludwig Wittgenstein and J. L. Austin, and extended by Stanley Cavell -- to transform literary studies.


Book Cover from Karen Neander Karen Neander: “A Mark of the Mental: In Defense of Informational Teleosemantics” (The MIT Press)

In her new book, Neander, a professor of philosophy and linguistics, considers the representational power of mental states -- described by the cognitive scientist Zenon Pylyshyn as the "second hardest puzzle" of philosophy of mind (the first being consciousness).


Jacqueline Ogburn: “The Unicorn in the Barn” (HMH Books for Young Readers)

Ogburn, a bestselling children's book author and a public relations specialist at the Sanford School of Public Policy, has published 10 picture books. This story, an illustrated middle-grade fantasy about a boy and the unicorn that changes his worldview, is her first novel.


Jenni Owen, co-editor: “Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships: Strategies for Launching and Sustaining Successful Collaborations” (Routledge)

For policymakers, this book offers an appreciation of the role of research in the policy process and new insights into different types of research. For researchers, the book explores how best to formulate questions, how to work closely with those most affected, and how to communicate findings in ways that can be more easily understood by those who are depending on clear answers. Jenni Owen is a lecturer in public policy, currently on leave to work as policy director for NC Gov. Roy Cooper.


Luke Powery: “Rise Up, Shepherd! Advent Reflections on the Spirituals” (Westminster John Knox Press)

In these devotions, Duke Chapel dean Luke Powery leads the reader through African-American spirituals as they confront the mystery of incarnation and redemption. Each devotion features the lyrics of a spiritual, a reflection on the spiritual's meaning, a Scripture verse, and a brief prayer.


book cover, translation by Carlos Rojas Carlos Rojas, translator from the Chinese: “The Years, Months, Days” (Black Cat, December 2017)

Set in the fictional Balou Mountains in novelist Yan Lianke’s home province of Henan, these two acclaimed novellas are “dexterously rendered” by Rojas, according to Library Journal. Rojas is a professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.


William H. Schlesinger: “Translational Ecology: Collected Writings on Contemporary Environmental Issues” (International Ecology Institute)

More than 100 essays on environmental issues by Schlesinger, dean emeritus of Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment, are compiled in this new book, part of a series authored by ecologists who have been recipients of the annual International Ecology Institute Prize. Schlesinger was recognized in 2014. Included in the book are writings on the far-ranging and often unforeseeable impacts consumer choices have on our planet; essays about environmental success stories we should all celebrate; and an urgent “Open Letter to Donald Trump.”


Dr. Maria Angelica Selim, contributor: “Immunohistochemistry in Diagnostic Dermatopathology” (Cambridge University Press)

Selim, a professor of pathology, is a contributor to this comprehensive 12-chapter volume, an essential text for pathologists, dermatopathologists and residents in pathology and dermatology.


Sanyin Siang: “The Launch Book: Motivational Stories to Launch Your Idea, Business or Next Career” (Concise Advice Lab)

As a CEO coach and adviser to GV (Google Ventures), Sanyin Siang is in a good position to draw on first-hand stories from industry leaders and serial launchers, inspiring readers to find the confidence to take the next great leap. Sanyin Siang is executive director of the Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics. 


Kishor Trivedi, co-author: “Reliability and Availability Engineering: Modeling, Analysis and Applications” (Cambridge University Press)

Trivedi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering, recently published his fourth textbook in the field he helped define. When Trivedi came to Duke in 1975 as a newly hired faculty member, he was asked to teach a course on Probability for Computer Science and Engineering -- the art of calculating the likelihood that a computer’s hardware or software system will perform as required and not break down too frequently. The only problem was that he’d never taken a course on the subject himself. That did not stop Trivedi, however, from diving headfirst into the literature and learning it on his own.


Billy Graham: Pilgrim Grant Wacker, co-editor: “Billy Graham: American Pilgrim” (Oxford University Press)

Wacker, professor emeritus of Christian history at Duke Divinity School, has helped to assemble writings on the American evangelical leader, organized around themes of religion, politics and culture. Throughout his six-decade career, Graham mainstreamed evangelicalism and through that tradition brought about major changes to American Christianity, church-state relations and American politics and culture.


Mark Wiesner, co-author: “Environmental Nanotechnology: Applications and Impacts of Nanomaterials” Second Edition (Access Engineering)

Wiesner, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, considers the rapid and extensive developments that have taken place in this area over the past decade. Co-written by a team of international experts, the book provides a thorough look at nanomaterial technologies, their use in engineering applications, and their effect on the environment.


Lauren Winner: “A Word to Live By” (Church Publishing)

In this seventh volume of the Episcopal “New Church's Teaching” series, Divinity School professor, bestselling author, and priest Lauren Winner introduces the story behind the Scriptures and invites readers to engage the word of God with curiosity and confidence. The series comes with a host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deeper. Read an excerpt here.


Ernest A. Young: “The Supreme Court and the Constitution” (Foundation Press)

Young, one of the nation's leading authorities on the constitutional law of federalism, has expanded his coverage of individual rights in this second edition of his constitutional law casebook. The new edition retains both the first edition's historically sequenced survey of leading cases from Marbury to Casey and its focus on contemporary doctrine concerning federalism and separation of powers. The new edition adds survey chapters on due process and equal protection, as well as a final chapter integrating both strands of rights doctrine through a case study of gay rights.