Bill Clinton hits the campaign trail today on behalf of his wife, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Duke University historian William Chafe, author of a book about the Clintons, comments.
• Quotes: “For decades, Hillary and Bill Clinton have been a team,” says Duke University historian William Chafe. “He never could have become president had she not 'saved' him repeatedly.”
• “But in 2008 Bill hurt Hillary with comments that were viewed as racially insensitive, such as a suggestion during a South Carolina campaign stop that Barack Obama was like Jesse Jackson.”
• “The real question is whether Bill can discipline himself enough this time around to only highlight Hillary's strong points, and make her -- not Bill -- the focus of attention. He probably can. He seems to have turned a corner."
• Bio:
William Chafe, professor emeritus of history at Duke University, is a historian of the U.S. specializing in civil rights, women's history, and politics. He is the author of many books including the forthcoming volume “Hillary and Bill: The Clintons and the Politics of the Personal.” He is former president of the Organization of American Historians and co-founder of both the Duke Oral History Program and the Center for Documentary Studies.
• Archive video interview:
• For additional comment, contact Chafe at: