Love Over Rivalry: Walt and Janet Turyn
Duke-UNC couple Walt and Janet Turyn have been married 41 years
What degrees did you earn from your respective universities?
Walt: I majored in chemistry at Duke and graduated in 1971. I also earned an MBA in 1981.Janet: I majored in intermediate education at UNC and graduated in 1971.
Where are you living now?
Durham, N.C.
What was the initial reaction of hearing where the other attended school?
Walt: I'm from Long Island, and I thought I was dating a “real” southern girl.
Janet: I moved to Durham in the ninth grade and dated some Duke students while I was in high school. A close family friend attended Duke while I attended Carolina, and I knew many of his friends -- Walt being one of them.
Was basketball something that sparked debate early on? Does it still spark debate? Was/is the debate friendly, heated, light-hearted, etc.?
Usually Carolina was a lot better than Duke [back then] so there was nothing really to debate!
Can you watch Duke-UNC games together? Describe what it is like to watch a game together. Is it tense? Is there yelling or teasing? Are there rules you agree upon beforehand?
We watch every game together...I [Janet] always figure Carolina has a chance, even we they [UNC] are down, down, down, and Walt feels the same way about Duke. I [Janet] taught Dean Smith’s daughters at Carrboro Elementary School in Chapel Hill. He was a big supporter of public education and public school teachers, and he was a great parent...while he coached I made sure Walt “cheered” for him, no matter who was playing. I am sure he was faking it!
Who do you root for when either team plays a separate opponent? For example, if Duke plays Kansas or if UNC plays Kentucky?
ACC always
Is it Love or Rivalry?
Love, of course.