This is a time-lapse of the recent installation of Exploded Hipster by Lincoln Hancock with Yuxtapongo at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, as part of the exhibition Area 919: Artists in the Triangle.
First created for the Raleigh music festival Hopscotch in 2012, Exploded Hipster is a collaborative installation of community-sourced material referencing contemporary music culture. Hancock and artist collective Yuxtapongo use donated band T-shirts, shoes, accessories, memorabilia and other apparel from music lovers to document the presence of the music community and its relationship to the “hipster” subculture. An ambiguous term, “hipster" encompasses a contemporary style of dress, a claim to authenticity and an alternative lifestyle. Exploded Hipster maps out the relationship between belongings and identity and presents a portrait of this subculture. The installation reflects the community’s unique creative spirit while also illustrating its fickle instability.
Yuxtapongo is an artist collective comprised of over 60 local, national, and international artists. Exploded Hipster is a Yuxtapongo project in collaboration with Eleanor Blake, Mollie Earls, Neill Prewitt and Robin Vuchnich.