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News Tip: Experts Available to Comment on Not Releasing Photos of bin Laden’s Corpse

Both agree Obama made a good decision


Ebrahim Moosa
Professor of religion and Islamic studies
(919) 270-3431 or

Moosa's interests span both classical and modern Islamic thought with a focus on Islamic law, history, ethics and theology.

"Releasing pictures of Osama bin Laden's mutilated body might
appeal to some peoples' taste for revenge and closure, but it will also
nauseate and upset others, both at home and abroad. There is no need to
indulge the demands for the release of the pictures since it will
violate human dignity. If bin Laden did not care for human life and
dignity, it does not mean everyone else must also abandon their higher

Jen'nan Read
Associate professor of sociology and global health
(919) 316-0545 or

Read's research focuses on gender and ethnicity, the sociology of
religion and global health, and the assimilation experiences of
Arab-Americans and U.S. Muslims.

"It was wise of President Obama not to release photos of bin
Laden's death because a quick look at history shows numerous examples
where photos of Muslims -- dead or alive, past or present, real or
cartoon -- have been misconstrued by someone, and never in a way that
was positive for anyone other than violent extremists. The only reason
President Obama should release the photos is if there were serious doubt
that bin Laden was dead, and that isn't the case."