Work Out For Free at Duke’s Rec Centers
Try out Duke’s gyms for free during Duke Rec’s special promotions

Duke Recreation and Physical Education has added new dates to its membership and employee appreciation promotions on certain days February through April.Duke employees who are not members of Duke’s Wilson Recreation Center on West Campus and Brodie Recreation Center on East Campus can visit the facilities for free by showing a valid DukeCard ID on the promotion dates.“We want people to think more of us as a destination rather than a task,” said Norma Whitley, member services coordinator for Duke Recreation and Physical Education. “We have so many opportunities, from group fitness programs to weight and cardio training. It’s a discovery for people who may not have known we were here.”Here are the Duke Recreation promotions currently running:Visit during Employee Appreciation DaysDuke staff and faculty can visit Wilson and Brodie for free and use the equipment during the following Duke Recreation’s Employee Appreciation Days: • Wilson Recreation Center, which is open 5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays, will be open Feb. 11, March 11 and April 8 for Employee Appreciation Days.• Brodie Recreation Center, which is open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays, will be open Feb. 25, March 25 and April 22 for Employee Appreciation Days. Participants must show a valid DukeCard ID and sign a waiver, and there will also be a light breakfast served on those days.Take your family to the gymDuke Recreation members and nonmembers can bring family members to the gym for free during Family Days scheduled in February through the end of April. Spouses, domestic partners and children ages 10 to 18 can try out the facility every second and fourth Sunday, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., through April 26. Employees must show their DukeCard ID and sign a waiver, and parents can bring up to two children at a time. Pick up a birthday pass Continuing this year, Duke staff and faculty can visit the gym for free during their birthday month. Employees can pick up a pass good for seven free visits to Wilson and Brodie during their birthday month. Employees with the pass can participate in Duke Recreation fitness classes, swim, play racquetball and basketball, lift weights, use cardio equipment, and more. They can also bring along a co-worker who has a valid DukeCard ID for all seven visits. Individuals who are interested should email Whitley, the member services coordinator, to arrange picking up a pass. Staff and faculty must present their DukeCard ID and a valid form of identification that includes a photo and birth date. Nonmembers visiting Duke Recreation facilities will have to sign a waiver during their first visit and sign the guest book during every additional visit.