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Set in Stone

Sculptor Simon Verity completes his recreation of a 13th century statue head

finished head simon verity

In just several days, sculptor Simon Verity recreated a 13th century statue head that was once in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and is now part of the Nasher Museum of Art's collection. Duke students and museum staff learned a lot by observing the sculpture come to life. Above a video report from Julie Schoonmaker tells how he did it.

For nearly 50 years, Verity has used the ancient tools of the medieval sculptor to modern design and carving work on the West Portal of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York as well as several other garden sculptures and fountains around the world. 

For more on his residency, read the story here.

Duke students documented Verity's work throughout the week with photographs that were then posted on a Facebook album. Click here to see the progress of the block of stone turned into a statue head. Photo by Jessica Pissini.
