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Social Media Workshop for Faculty Nov. 20

Duke faculty are invited to take part in a two-hour social media workshop organized by Duke's Office of News & Communications (ONC) on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

ONC will open the session by introducing three Duke faculty members -- Laurent Dubois, Robin Kirk and Peter Ubel  -- who are regular users of social media tools such as blogs, Twitter and Facebook. They will describe their experiences with social media, including what has and hasn’t worked for them and how they’ve incorporated social media into their classes.

They will also address common questions from faculty, such as:

-- Is it a good idea to use blogging and other social media to promote your scholarship, or just a trendy waste of time?

-- How can social media enhance your research or teaching?

-- What are the potential advantages and pitfalls of being online so publicly?

-- How do you balance this activity with your other responsibilities?

In the second half of the program, Cara Rousseau, Duke's social media manager, and Amanda Peralta, ONC's social and digital media fellow, will lead a discussion about how to be strategic in your use of social media, review accepted best practices and related topics.

Attendees will be invited to tweet live during the workshop using #DukeSocial.

The workshop runs from 9-11 a.m. Nov. 20 in in the CIEMAS building's Schiciano Auditorium A. Space is limited. Faculty interested in participating should contact