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Using GoPass? Bring Your DukeCard

Students, employees who use GoPass must show DukeCard, too

Beginning April 1, Duke students, faculty and staff must show a valid DukeCard ID when using their GoPass on Triangle Transit and Durham Area Transit Authority buses.

The Triangle Transit policy is intended to ensure eligible community members are using the free GoPass, said John Tallmadge, director of regional services development for Triangle Transit.

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"Our goal is to stay true to the GoPass program and assure we're also generating revenue for local transit agencies," Tallmadge said. "We want to make sure everyone using a GoPass is part of the institutional arrangement."

Starting April 1, bus drivers will ask riders using the GoPass to show their DukeCard ID as well. If a rider doesn't have a DukeCard and can't use the GoPass, they'll be asked to pay the corresponding bus fare for the route. Guidelines currently sent to GoPass users upon registration mention that Duke students and employees should carry their DukeCard when using the bus pass.

"As the popularity of the GoPass has grown to over 8,200 active passes, we just need to ensure the benefit is used as intended," said Melissa Harden, assistant director of strategies for Duke Parking and Transportation Services.

In addition to free rides on Triangle Transit and DATA, the GoPass also allows for unlimited rides on Raleigh's Capital Area Transit. Duke staff and faculty are eligible for the GoPass if their offices are on East, West, Central and Medical Center campuses; the American Tobacco Campus; or within one-half mile of the East, West, Central or Medical campuses (see eligibility map). All undergraduate, graduate and professional school students are eligible.

A full set of participant criteria and responsibilities can be found on the GoPass website.