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The Week at Duke {in 60 Seconds}: A Nobel Prize; Campus Gets 'Gangnam Style'

Duke juniors Audrey Adu-Appiah and Danny Nolan deliver a week's worth of campus news in a minute.

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Big news this week. Duke doctor Robert Lefkowitz (Lef-co-witz) is sharing the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He is a pioneer in understanding how drugs and other compounds attach to a cell's surface. Congratulations Dr. Lefkowitz!Election season is heating up. Duke students dove in to politics during a campus foreign policy debate. And, that’s just warmup for the October 22nd showdown at Duke between Karl Rove and Robert Gibbs.Professor Bill Chafe is retiring after 40 years at Duke. A two-day conference honors his contributions to the field of modern American history. And, check out his new book on the Clintons. It looks like we’re in for stormy weather. A Duke-led study predicts increasingly intense high-pressure systems over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.You may already know why these students are dancing on the quad. Yes, the “Gangnam Style” viral video has made its way to Durham.