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Student Journeys to Commencement

Duke graduating seniors tell stories of learning and service

Over the past four years,the 1,500 members of this week's graduating senior class have conducted global health research in Africa and elsewhere, developed community programs in Durham, launched social entrepreneurship initiatives and won national awards and scholarships for service and research. Below are a few of their stories. Congratulations to all of the graduates and their families!

View a partial list of student awards and honors >

Alex BeutelHas Computer, Will Solve Problems

Maddie BurkeFinding Interests in Broadcasting and Entrepreneurship

Peter Cruz-GordilloAt Home in the Neuroscience Lab

Sarra DemashkiehYour Job and Your Politics

Jared DunnmonAn Engineer's Road to Oxford

Kendra HIntonTreating PTSD in Haiti

Elliot JohnsonAmbassador for Duke

Mike LefevreA Student's Expedition to Russia

Aliza Lopes-BakerA Feminist's Journey at Duke

Alice MaoQualities of Generosity

Pursuing HIV Research

Madeline McCraryPursuing HIV Research

Craig MillerA Study in Public Policy

Kiah Pape

Kiah PapeFinding Learning in Community Service

Danielle Potter

Danielle PotterLearning Through Listening

Trent Serwetz

Trent SerwetzFrom Women's Studies to Family Law

Clara Yang

Clara YangHarmonizing Medicine and Music