Coeurs Vaillants and Ames Vaillantes
September 1940 - This comic, printed in Vichy France, features a reprint of the
popular Belgian "Tintin" character on a silly ocean adventure. But the
quotation in the upper right over the French flag reflects the political battle
surrounding its readers. The words are from the head of the Vichy government,
Henri Pétain: "All the French are proud of France, France is proud of each
Frenchmen, That is the law we want to institute." The publisher of Coeurs
Vaillants and Ames Vaillantes (Valiant Hearts and Valiant Souls) moved from
Paris after the German occupation to Lyon, where it combined the two comics
into one publication during the time of scarce resources. After the liberation
of France, the comics were banned by the new government, as were other papers
published under the Vichy government. Coeurs Vaillants and Ames Vaillantes
eventually resumed publication.
Details from the release French World War II Comics
A library collection explores how comics where used for propaganda and entertainment in France during World War II.