Series Eat What You Learn Studies of the science, the politics and health of food Showing 11 of 20 results Why Eat Bad Food? Farmer-in-chief of Growing Power challenges students to become farmers, change communities Will Allen has a straight-forward mission: All people should have access to fresh, safe,... Eat What You Learn The inaugural university course on food studies helps students connect with what's on their plate Eliza MacLean arrived to class a few minutes late. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail... Students Have More than a Mouthful to Say About Their Food Students in Professor Charlie Thompson's Politics of Food course started asking some big questions about their food This spring, students in Professor Charlie Thompson's Politics of Food course started asking... Harris Solomon: Studying Obesity in India Cultural anthropologist explores the human side of medical problems It's not only Michelle Obama and other Americans who are sounding the alarm about... Putting the Chicken Before the Egg Duke students go on city chicken coop tour Big Mama is depressed. The petite brown hen moped in a corner of the chicken coop at Duke... New Teaching Garden Instructs On Food, Ecology Charlotte Brody Discovery Garden dedicated this month Visitors will get a better taste of where our food comes from and ideal ecological practices in... Dissertation Desserts How baked and bought food items relieve grad student stress at dissertation defenses In the hours before Julia Gaffield's doctoral preliminary examination in 2009, she had... More Stories
Why Eat Bad Food? Farmer-in-chief of Growing Power challenges students to become farmers, change communities Will Allen has a straight-forward mission: All people should have access to fresh, safe,...
Eat What You Learn The inaugural university course on food studies helps students connect with what's on their plate Eliza MacLean arrived to class a few minutes late. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail...
Students Have More than a Mouthful to Say About Their Food Students in Professor Charlie Thompson's Politics of Food course started asking some big questions about their food This spring, students in Professor Charlie Thompson's Politics of Food course started asking...
Harris Solomon: Studying Obesity in India Cultural anthropologist explores the human side of medical problems It's not only Michelle Obama and other Americans who are sounding the alarm about...
Putting the Chicken Before the Egg Duke students go on city chicken coop tour Big Mama is depressed. The petite brown hen moped in a corner of the chicken coop at Duke...
New Teaching Garden Instructs On Food, Ecology Charlotte Brody Discovery Garden dedicated this month Visitors will get a better taste of where our food comes from and ideal ecological practices in...
Dissertation Desserts How baked and bought food items relieve grad student stress at dissertation defenses In the hours before Julia Gaffield's doctoral preliminary examination in 2009, she had...