Freshen Up with Spring Cleaning Discounts

Staff and faculty can find savings through the Duke employee discount program

colorful cleaning supplies

What's Your Favorite Discount?

Have you used one of the PERQs discounts available for Duke staff and faculty. If so, we want to hear about it.

Batsakes, who leads LIVE FOR LIFE’s 15-minute Mindful Moment webinars each Tuesday, often helps people looking to make positive changes in their lives. She suggested that when it comes to keeping your home clean, it can be beneficial to enlist help, if you can, through professional cleaning services.

“We’re under so much pressure, there’s so much to do, and we don’t always have the mental space and emotional space to get through the day, let alone make change in our lives,” Batsakes said. “Cleaning and getting organized helps conserve your mental and emotional resources as well as your time resources, which are all important if you want to cultivate your best self. Hiring professionals to help you create this sense of calm and order can help free up even more space and time in your life to devote to the things you value.”

Duke staff and faculty can find discounts for cleaning the inside and outside of their homes through the employee discount program organized by Duke Human Resources. Here are some of discounts available.

Check out the full list of discounts on products and services such as auto repair, flowers, restaurant meals and more. A valid NetID may be needed to view some discounts.

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