Comments Sought for Regular Review of Pratt Dean Jerome Lynch
Jerome Lynch has served as Vinik Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering since January 2022.
Provost Alec D. Gallimore has appointed a committee to conduct a review of Jerome Lynch, Vinik Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering.
Duke conducts regular reviews of all deans, vice provosts, senior staff and faculty members who have major administrative positions reporting to the provost.
Lynch has served in his position since January 2022.
The committee is chaired by Professor Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, professor of global and environmental health, Nicholas School of the Environment and Duke Global Health Institute. Other members are:
Lee Baker, professor of cultural anthropology, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Alexandre Belloni, Westgate Distinguished Professor of Decision Sciences, Fuqua School of Business
Nan Marie Jokerst, J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
Hai “Helen” Li, Marie Foote Reel E’46 Distinguished Professor, Pratt School of Engineering
Jenny Lodge, vice president for research and innovation
Arti Rai, Elvin R. Latty Professor of Law, School of Law
Gregg Trahey, Robert Plonsey Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering
An important part of the review process is gathering input from the university's many constituencies. Observations regarding the dean’s leadership and suggestions for the future of the Pratt School of Engineering are important to the committee’s work. The committee invites you to share your thoughts by email or using this online form.
Communication should include the nature of your interactions with the Pratt School of Engineering as well as with Dean Lynch and his team so that the committee can understand the context of your comments as fully as possible.
All information will be treated as confidential, to be shared with the members of the review committee only. An aggregate summary of submitted communications will be included in the committee's written report to the provost.