Do you or a colleague have a workspace that’s bursting with personality, innovation, or unique tools? Whether it’s an office, lab, cubicle, truck or workshop, we want to see what makes your space special.
Working@Duke’s “In the Office With…” video series peeks into the fascinating and diverse workspaces across Duke, highlighting the creativity and passion that drive Duke’s mission of teaching, learning, research and patient care and show how colleagues make a difference.
We’re on the lookout for staff and faculty with distinctive jobs, captivating workspaces, and compelling stories to feature in upcoming videos. If you know someone whose workspace stands out, or if you’d like to share your own, we want to hear from you.
Complete this form and let’s celebrate the unique environments that make our community thrive.
And meanwhile, check out our first “In the Office with …” installment with Biology Professor Sonke Johnsen and his giant stuffed squid.