Duke Communicators Win Three National Awards

Jacqueline Weatherly, Faces of Cancer
Jacqueline Weatherly

University Communications and Marketing: “Faces of Cancer,” Gold Medal in Photography/Portraits.

Duke photographer Jared Lazarus marked the 50th year of the Duke Cancer Institute (DCI) by taking powerful images documenting the lives of individuals navigating the cancer experience — each in their own way. The portraits and accompanying audio stories tell of their resilience.  The photos were exhibited at the DCI and posted on a university website, created by Sam Huntley of University Communications and Marketing.

Showing the perseverance of DCI patients, the photos also educate and inspire those who have not been directly impacted by cancer. “Strong storytelling for a moving subject, with a clear and well-executed concept,” said a CASE reviewer.

Manoj Mohanan, 20 Questions
Manoj Mohanan

Sanford School of Public Policy: “20 Questions,” Gold Medal in Communications/Digital Campaigns (student oriented).

The “20 Questions” video series introduces community members and potential students to the school’s leaders while they take a short walk and answer questions about their lives and interests, including their careers. The uncut videos showcase the leadership and their work in a manner that makes them relatable and accessible. The project was executed by Carol Jackson, the school’s digital strategist, and former Sanford multimedia specialist Hannah Otos.

“The video series showcasing leaders in a more personal light was amazing,” said a CASE reviewer. “By going on location, the institution humanized them in a way that resonated with the community. We loved the simplicity and creativity of this campaign, which successfully brought higher-ups out of their professional setting and into their element.”

Blue Devil mascot alumni
Blue Devil mascot alumni

Duke Magazine: “Cape, Horns, Attitude,” Bronze Medal in Writing/News Feature.

Writer Scott Huler shares the history of the Duke University iconic Blue Devil mascot, telling the stories of the people who took on this important campus role. Huler interviewed students who have worn the Blue Devil suit, and each had a story about portraying the mascot.

A big hit with magazine readers, the story “provides delightful tidbits of history,” said a CASE reviewer.