A Peek Inside Duke Classrooms
Shared experiences, and real-world situations, promote learning across spaces and disciplines

As part of Kisha Daniel’s Critical Pedagogy of Hip Hop class, students worked with sixth graders at Neal Middle School in Durham to create hip hop songs. Junior Bianca Ingram, center, coaches Alia Montañez, 12, on vocabulary and lyrics.
Lived Experience of Race and Racism

The Rev. Benjamin Chavis, Duke’s inaugural environmental justice and racial equity fellow, delivers a lecture on environmental racism (a term he coined in 1982), during this course he co-convened with public policy professor Jay Pearson.
Critical Pedagogy of Hip Hop

Brazilian rapper Dudu de Morro Agudo performs for Duke students and Deja Simms’ class at Neal Middle School in Durham. It was part of education professor Kisha Daniels' service learning course where students worked with the sixth graders on hip hop songs.

Senior Corali Francisco, right, coaches Johan Ruiz, a sixth grader in Deja Simms’ class at Neal Middle School, on vocabulary and lyric writing to create an original hip hop song.
Happiness & Purpose

First-year students engage in a workshop led by senior Katy Turner, as part of What Now? The Duke Guide to Happiness, Purpose and Well Being, an ethics seminar course.
Fusion Fitness

Senior Elisha Tan (foreground) and other students in Maria Finnegan’s Fusion Fitness for Women course work on muscular endurance and core strength in a circuit workout.
Finding a STEM Identity

First-year students in the SPIRE Fellows Program, which centers on inclusivity and support for underrepresented groups in STEM fields, participate in discussions on Abele Quad during this half-credit course. The course asks students to investigate diversity within STEM subjects.
Philosophy and Neuroscience

Felipe De Brigard, associate professor of philosophy, teaches Philosophy and Neuroscience in the Reuben-Cooke building.

Students during a group discussion in the Philosophy and Neuroscience class
Robot Studio

Students in mechanical engineering professor Boyuan Chen’s (in the blue blazer) robot studio course compete in a robot race in front of the Chapel. They spent the semester making robots without wheels that could walk.