University MLK Events to Explore King’s Vision
Week of events showcases continued relevance of King's call to service

The university-wide commemoration will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14, in Duke Chapel with keynote speaker Grant Hill, a Duke alumnus and trustee. While best known as an Olympic basketball gold medalist and an NBA Hall of Famer, Hill’s work in community service and in promoting emerging artists, as well as his deep connections with Duke and Durham will shape his address at the King commemoration.
Other speakers will include Duke President Vincent E. Price, Durham Mayor Leonardo Williams, and Mary Klotman, executive vice president for health affairs and dean, School of Medicine. Duke Chapel Dean Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery will give the invocation while Rabbi Elana Friedman, campus rabbi for Jewish Life at Duke, and Chaplain Joshua Salaam, of the Center for Muslim Life will deliver a reading/prayer and benediction.
The service will also feature remarks by Duke student leaders representing the Black Student Alliance and the Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, as well as special musical performances by the jazz ensembles of Duke and North Carolina Central University.
The commemoration will be livestreamed on the MLK commemoration website.
Different units at Duke will hold their own memorial events to highlight research on issues of disparities that King brought attention to during his life and to follow his call to service.
On Monday, a decades-long Duke tradition continues with the MLK Jr. Service Meal Packaging Event. Duke faculty, staff and students will join volunteers from other schools and from the Interfaith Food Shuttle to package more than 150,000 meals to be distributed to families across the Triangle. The event is organized by the Office of Durham and Community Affairs.
Among the campus events:
Friday, Jan. 12
8 a.m. Department of Medicine: Martin Luther King Memorial Medicine Grand Rounds: Gary Bennett, “You Have to Keep Moving Forward: Obesity in High-Risk Populations.” Trent Semans Center Great Hall
Saturday, Jan. 13
6 p.m. Department of Surgery and Duke Student National Medical Association: 31st Annual MLK Jr. Banquet. J.B. Duke Hotel
Sunday, Jan. 14
4 p.m. The Duke Centennial Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration with keynote speaker Grant Hill. Duke Chapel
Monday, Jan. 15
9 a.m. Office of Durham and Community Affairs and Duke Centennial Celebration: MLK Jr. Day of Service Meal Packaging Event. Duke School
Noon: Duke Athletics MLK Unity Rally with Professor Mary Williams, Dr. Aaron Goodson and student-athletes. Kville
Thursday, Jan. 18
11 a.m. Duke Health and BLACKtivate: Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration with keynote speaker Howard-John Wesley. Trent Semans Center Great Hall
For more information, visit the Duke MLK Celebration website.