Display Your New Skills with a Digital Badge

New badges showcase accomplishments through Duke’s Learning & Organization Development

Badges from Learning & Organization Development.
Duke Department of Religious Studies' Marissa Lane.

L&OD, a unit in Duke Human Resources, recently debuted the badging system that allows anyone who’s completed an L&OD course, certificate, or professional development program to display a colorful, digital indicator of the accomplishment and their skills.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, employees who completed professional development programs received printed certificates. But with added virtual programming, paper certificates had to be reimagined.

L&OD developed the digital badging system with Canvas Credentials, formerly Badgr. It offers digital badges for completing any L&OD professional development and technical course, any Guide to Managing at Duke, any Certificate of Excellence, and any specialized program such as Front Line Supervisor, Foundational Skills, the Duke Management Academy or the Duke Leadership Academy.

“This is a neat way for people to show their commitment to their development and their investment in their growth,” said L&OD Assistant Director for Instructional Design Abby Farrell, who helped develop the badging system. “It’s a way to get people excited about learning.”

To get a digital badge, employees can visit duke.badgr.com to create an account with their Duke NetID. Their account will automatically show badges for courses, certificates and programs completed in 2023. To request a badge for a course, certificate or program prior to 2023, fill out this online form.

Inside their account, users can find links to add badges to their email signature or LinkedIn profile. They can use built-in buttons to share accomplishments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, or print a badge in the form of a certificate.

“The beauty of this is that, as we’ve become virtual, people can automatically receive their badge and share their accomplishment,” said Keisha Williams, Assistant Vice President for L&OD. “Right away, they can put it in their email signature, they can put it on LinkedIn, and people know they’ve gone through a verified, specific journey of learning.”

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