Tara Singh, president of Keohane Quad Council, and Ranjan Jindal, quad council vice president, lay a wreath on the university’s 9/11 Memorial plaque Monday morning near the grove of six trees planted behind Keohane Quad. The plaque honors the six Duke alumni killed in the 2001 attacks. Professor of cultural anthropology and QuadEx faculty fellow Lee Baker looks on.
The six Duke alumni who died during the attacks are Michael Morgan Taylor '81, Frederick C. Rimmele III, M.D. '94, A. Todd Rancke '81, Christopher Todd Pitman '93, Peter Ortale '87, and J. Robinson "Rob" Lenoir '84.
The memorial was created on campus in 2002. Read more about the alumni killed in the attacks in a 2001 Duke Magazine story.
The 9/11 memorial plaque.
Two students observe the memorial following the wreath laying ceremony.