An ancient home excavated by a Duke archaelogical team in Vulci, Italy.

Duke Diary Dispatch: In Italy, A Peek into the Past

Duke graduate student Caitlin Childers and a Duke team in Vulci, Italy, is exploring an ancient home.

area under excavation by Duke and Sapienza University scholars

The mosaic comes from the Domus of the Cryptoporticus. The footprint of this building is all that survives today. It provides a clear indication of the line between the public and private sections of the home. The mosaic comes from the back portion of the structure, a section reserved for those who lived in the home. The other image (left) shows the area currently under excavation by Duke Professor Maurizio Forte and our Sapienza University colleagues. This is one of the three structures that will be a focus of our experiments.

We, the data collection team, did some test runs on the various sites today. Our results, test results from visitors to the site, and tests done with the archaeologists on site will give us the opportunity to compare gazes from vastly different backgrounds. After our portion of the eye tracking was done it was time for lunch.

The entire team was hosted by a local restaurant that made us suppli, deep fried rice with mozzarella and tomato sauce, and a wonderful lasagna. They were so kind and made us feel completely at home. Upon returning to the site we began converting our work from videos to raw data to send back to a Data+ team in Durham for further analysis. We've also begun discussing the best way in which to present our work to the public, specifically considering what visualizations are the most effective.

 After today's hard work was done, we returned to our apartment and got the chance to visit Montalto's beautiful beach. We have some truly exciting experiences ahead in the next two weeks, on and off site!