Duke Diary Dispatch: Learning to Code, Learning to Cook

Newly baked bagels on a cooking rack

We meet with one of our stakeholders, Campus Mail, next week, so we’ve been preparing questions for our stakeholders about what information we’ll access and how they envision the service working. 

In addition, I’m approaching graduation from my Out In Tech mentorship. This week, I finished developing my fine-tuned model and worked on the client side––making sure error messages are showing up in places that make sense, the loading scroll works as expected, and everything on the server side is set up to serve the user. If you’re interested, you can check it out here.

I’ll be speaking at our graduation to show a live demo of my project, and when that’s done, I’ll move on to working on a project that a friend and I started during a hackathon called Duke Ignite. That project, called Heartcoded, is full stack––meaning that we are building everything from the ground up, so I’m excited to dedicate more time to the project over the summer!

These types of projects, both Code+ and my projects, are different from the courses I take in computer science, as they provide a practical and hands-on experience that is complemented by my academic knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

I’ve also been working on projects for The Pitchforks, including working with our alum association to plan our reunion and upcoming events for the year! I was able to have dinner with Kurt Uphoff ‘82 in Chapel Hill, one of the group's earliest members! He had many great stories to share about his time in the group.

Life in Durham over the summer has also been excellent! I’m living off campus with one of my good friends, and we’ve been able to go to the Durham Farmer’s Market, and I tried out the local rock climbing gym, Triangle Rock Club. We’ve been trying out new NY Times cooking recipes––everything from bagels to casseroles. I’m excited to keep exploring Durham as the summer goes on!