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 –Duke's Palestine Solidarity Movement site offers information about the conference and its organizers.

 –Duke University Libraries has prepared a guide on the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

 –The Freeman Center for Jewish Life is promoting campus discussion through a variety of events.

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  Middle East Conflict

The Palestine Solidarity Movement conference and related activities, held at Duke in October 2004, created an opportunity for students and others to learn about and discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Throughout the academic year, the Duke community has had access to information, divergent views and thoughtful dialogue on the Middle East, terrorism, academic freedom and related issues. This site highlights the prominent experts who have visited campus and examines the ongoing discussion.

The Year of Discussion
A controversial conference sparks a year-long campus debate about the Middle East, free speech and the role of the university
Students Learn About the Diversity of Local Islamic Life
Service-learning class connects students to the local Islamic community
Student Film Chronicles Young Israelis Preparing for Military Service
"I was there shooting with my video camera, and they we’re talking about learning how to shoot with their guns."
‘Borders’ Are Key to Middle East Peace, Says Israeli Activist
Michel Warschawski tells Duke audience to break down cultural boundaries while building up political ones
Jordanian Ambassador Speaks to Technology Conference
"We have to do everything we can to help Iraq," Karim Kawar tells students, faculty and other conference attendees
Harvard’s Dershowitz Criticizes "Anti-Israel Zealots" on College Campuses
Praises Duke’s handling of PSM conference as "a model" for other schools

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Keep learning about Middle East
A March 10 Chronicle editorial says Duke’s commitment to continue the dialogue that began with the Palestine Solidarity Movement conference is "encouraging."

Duke Conference Was Learning Vehicle
Duke President Richard H. Brodhead writes in The Jewish Week, "Duke offered in mid-October as rich an array of perspectives on the Israel-Palestine conflict as probably existed anywhere in the country."

The Intifada Comes to Duke
In Commentary Magazine, Duke Ph.D. candidates Eric Adler and Jack Langer discuss the university’s decision to host the Palestine Solidarity Movement conference in October 2004. In a response, accompanied by an answer from Adler and Langer, Duke senior vice president John F. Burness describes the article as "narrow and misleading."


Saving Israel From Itself
In the January 2005 issue of Harper’s Magazine, visiting Sanford Institute of Public Policy professor Bernard Avishai writes that what leaks into nearly every conversation in Israel nowadays "is uncertainty about how to envision Israel going forward in its existing boundaries."

Student Leaders Call for Respectful Dialogue
A letter to the Duke community backs free speech but says "considerate discussion" is essential.

President Brodhead Reacts to Post-PSM Discussion
In a letter to The Chronicle, the president says prejudice and stereotypes "have no place at a great university." The president also addressed the conference in a speech to the Academic Council.

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