Duke Today Schools Feed https://today.duke.edu/ en Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:07:42 -0400 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:04:54 -0500 From Growing Roots, Clues to How Stem Cells Decide Their Fate https://today.duke.edu/2024/02/growing-roots-clues-how-stem-cells-decide-their-fate <div class="wp-block-dt-story-meta-plus-text"><p>DURHAM, N.C. -- It might look like a comet or a shooting star, but this time-lapse video is actually a tiny plant root, not much thicker than a human hair, magnified hundreds of times as it grows under the microscope.</p><p>Researchers at Duke University have been making such movies by peering at stem cells near the root’s tip and taking snapshots as they divide and multiply over time, using a technique called light sheet microscopy.</p><p>The work offers more than a front row seat to the drama of</p></div> Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2024/02/growing-roots-clues-how-stem-cells-decide-their-fate Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:04:54 -0500 Duke Today Schools Feed Research|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences VP for Research and Innovation Updates Academic Council on Regulatory Environment https://today.duke.edu/2023/12/vp-research-and-innovation-updates-academic-council-regulatory-environment <div class="wp-block-dt-story-meta-plus-text"><p>The graph showed a dramatic exponential increase of data points over the past decade. To microbiologist Jennifer Lodge, the chart “looks like a bacterial growth curve with no sign of flattening out.”</p><p>But as Duke’s vice president for research and innovation, Lodge said the chart was, in fact, something else: The rate of increase of new government rules for federally funded research.</p><p>“We are aware of the growing administrative burden on faculty regarding research,” Lodge said to the</p></div> Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/12/vp-research-and-innovation-updates-academic-council-regulatory-environment Fri, 08 Dec 2023 13:57:36 -0500 Duke Today Schools Feed Faculty|Research Brittle Stars Can Learn Just Fine -- Even Without a Brain https://today.duke.edu/2023/11/brittle-stars-can-learn-just-fine-even-without-brain <div class="wp-block-dt-story-meta-plus-text"><p>DURHAM, N.C. -- We humans are fixated on big brains as a proxy for smarts. But headless animals called brittle stars have no brains at all and still manage to learn through experience, <a href="https://rdcu.be/drHJO">new research</a> reveals.</p><p>Relatives of starfish, brittle stars spend most of their time hiding under rocks and crevices in the ocean or burrowing in the sand.</p><p>These shy marine creatures have no brain to speak of -- just nerve cords running down each of their five wiggly arms</p></div> Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/11/brittle-stars-can-learn-just-fine-even-without-brain Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:21:24 -0500 Duke Today Schools Feed Research|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Unzipping mRNA Rallies Plant Cells to Fight Infection https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/unzipping-mrna-rallies-plant-cells-fight-infection New tool controls protein production in living cells, with potential applications from agriculture to medicine. Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/unzipping-mrna-rallies-plant-cells-fight-infection Wed, 20 Sep 2023 16:17:11 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Biology|Research|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Mysterious Family of Microbial Proteins Hijack Crops’ Cellular Plumbing https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/mysterious-family-microbial-proteins-hijack-crops-cellular-plumbing Duke researchers may have come up with a way to disarm them, and thus help prevent $220 billion in annual crop damage Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/mysterious-family-microbial-proteins-hijack-crops-cellular-plumbing Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:05:40 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Research|School of Medicine|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences What to Expect From COVID This Fall https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/what-expect-covid-fall Medical experts brief media on uptick in COVID cases, new variants Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/09/what-expect-covid-fall Wed, 06 Sep 2023 13:48:20 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Research|School of Medicine Blink and You’ll Miss These Plants Shooting Their Seeds https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/blink-and-youll-miss-these-plants-shooting-their-seeds Members of the witch hazel family can fling heavier seeds just as fast as lighter ones, thanks to their spring-loaded fruits. Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/blink-and-youll-miss-these-plants-shooting-their-seeds Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:37:00 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Biology|Research|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences This Fish Doesn’t Just See With Its Eyes -- It Also Sees With Its Skin. https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/fish-doesnt-just-see-its-eyes-it-also-sees-its-skin Now researchers think they know why. Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/fish-doesnt-just-see-its-eyes-it-also-sees-its-skin Tue, 22 Aug 2023 11:12:50 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Biology|Research|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences How to Depolarize Political Toxicity on Social Media https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/how-depolarize-political-toxicity-social-media Duke-led research finds that anonymous conversations can reduce polarization Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/how-depolarize-political-toxicity-social-media Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:42:46 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Computing & Technology|Politics & Public Policy|Research Smart Devices: Putting a Premium on Peace of Mind https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/smart-devices-putting-premium-peace-mind Cybersecurity labels for smart gadgets are coming. Are consumers willing to pay to know their risks before they buy? Duke Today https://today.duke.edu/2023/08/smart-devices-putting-premium-peace-mind Mon, 07 Aug 2023 11:45:02 -0400 Duke Today Schools Feed Computer Science|Research|Science & Technology Initiative|Trinity College of Arts & Sciences