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The Palestine Solidarity Movement created a Web site about its conference.

The Freeman Center for Jewish Life organized activities in support of Israel and to promote campus discussion. Those included a teach-in and a lecture by pro-Israeli activist Daniel Pipes.

Chabad, a Jewish campus organization, sponsored an exhibit of Bus 19, an Israeli bus that was the target of a suicide bomber earlier this year.


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  Conference of Palestine Solidarity Movement at Duke

Brodhead Reaffirms Duke Policy Not to Divest from Israel
Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead sent the following message on Sept. 8, 2004, to Edward C. Halperin, M.D., vice dean of Duke’s School of Medicine, in response to a letter sent by Halperin and others.

September 8, 2004

Dear Ed:

Thanks for the letter of September 2 that you and several others signed.

I am grateful for your acknowledgement that the University must give wide protection to free speech and free debate. The free exchange of ideas is the very essence of education. As I wrote in a recent essay, “When universities get in the business of suppressing speech, however vile, it lends credence to the notion that it is a legitimate function of the university to suppress speech. A notion is thereby validated that can then be activated on another occasion -- perhaps to suppress one’s own dissident or unpopular expression.” I’ve been grateful for the wide support I have found for this principle throughout the Duke community.

Since you speak so directly to the question of divestiture, I want to remind you that the University has an established position on this issue. President Keohane has clearly stated the university’s policy not to divest from Israel. I endorse this policy and the principles that underlie it. As she noted, divestment from Israel is a very blunt instrument to address an extremely complex issue around which there is little consensus and a great diversity of opinions both in the campus community and in the broader society. University policy makes clear that divestiture would be a last resort to be used only when a substantial community consensus existed to support this course of action. I am aware of no change in the situation either in the Middle East or on campus that would justify moving to a different policy. Peter Lange joins me in this message, which you should feel free to share with your colleagues. I will send this letter by hardcopy as well.

Best wishes,

Dick Brodhead

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