The following letter explains explains how student groups register events: August 5, 2004 Dear Student Coordinators: Thank you for meeting with representatives from the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Student Activities and Facilities (OSAF). As we discussed, in order for a student-sponsored event to be formally approved by the university, we require information regarding the anticipated number of participants, the kind and amount of space needs expected, and any special safety or security needs, etc., so that we can work with the sponsoring organization to help ensure a successful event. Based on our discussions and consistent with Duke policies, our office's preliminary review shows you have met the university's established criteria for sponsoring this educational conference. Accordingly, we have registered your event titled, "The Fourth Annual Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement," for October 15, 16 and 17, 2004. The university administration will work with you and your student organization, Hiwar, to plan a safe, positive educational conference experience. We understand you are currently working on conference details. As you begin to structure your program, it will be important for you to make certain that our office is intimately involved in all aspects of planning for this event. This will ensure that all university requirements are met and appropriate parties are involved. As you know, because the national organization with which you are working, prematurely announced this event on its Web site, a number of groups and individuals have expressed support for and opposition to your conference. We will work closely with you and will ultimately rely on Duke Police to help determine appropriate venues and protocols for events with the utmost concern for the safety and security of conference participants. It is apparent from our initial discussions that Duke has limited facilities to meet the projected occupancy needs of your event, as we currently understand them. OSAF will work with you to manage available space to the best of our abilities. The success of this conference will be based on our collaboration and cooperation with each other. With this in mind, OSAF will require a weekly meeting in order to stay abreast of conference details and to share university requirements as these details are finalized. I look forward to working with you in your efforts to plan what we all hope will be a successful educational conference for your organization and for conference participants. Cordially, Gregg Heinselman |