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Said@Duke: Olympia Snowe on Rewarding Bipartisanship

Part of the Said@Duke 2017-2018 Series
Olympia Snowe: It is important to reward at the ballot those who seek to find common ground.

The 2018 Crown Lecture in Ethics, “Politics and Our Potential: Can Congress Rise to Meet Its Obligation to Govern?” with former U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, took place on March 26. Now a senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center, Snowe is the first and only woman to have served in both houses of a state legislature, and then both chambers of Congress. The event was presented by the Sanford School of Public Policy and co-sponsored by POLIS, and is part of the yearlong centennial celebration of the late Terry Sanford, Duke’s president from 1970-1985.

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