Four Duke University faculty members will examine the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East and its relevance for America during a discussion on Monday, Oct. 27. The event, in Room 04 of the Sanford School of Public Policy, is free and open to the public and media. A light reception will begin at 5 p.m. followed by the talk at 5:30 p.m. Free parking is available at the Science Drive lot near the Sanford School. Panelists include Bruce Jentleson, a professor of public policy and political science; Abdeslam Maghraoui, a political science professor; and David Schanzer, a public policy professor and director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. Omid Safi, the new director of the Duke Islamic Studies Center, will serve as both a panelist and moderator.The talk will be streamed live. Audience members and virtual followers can join the conversation on Twitter at #DukeMidEast. Abdullah Antepli, the chief representative of Muslim affairs at Duke, will lead a Twitter chat following the talk. The event is sponsored by the Sanford School and the Duke Islamic Studies Center’s ISLAMiCommentary forum.