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Comments Sought in Regular Review of John Simon

Doriane Coleman to chair review committee

Regular reviews of senior administrators of the university are conducted by a committee that completes a performance review and submits a confidential report to the provost. Such a committee has been appointed by Provost Peter Lange to review John Simon, vice provost for academic affairs, who has served in his post since 2005.

Doriane Coleman, professor of law, will chair the review committee. Other members include Bill Boulding, Fuqua School; April Brown, electrical and computer engineering; Dan Kiehart, biology; Kevin LeBar, psychiatry and neuroscience; and Hans Van Miegroet, art history.

An important part of the review process is the gathering of opinion from the university's constituencies. Comments on performance and suggestions for the future are essential to the committee's work.

The charge to the committee posed several questions for review of Simon's effectiveness, including:

  • Interactions with faculty and deans regarding academic initiatives, strategic planning and accreditation and assessment issues.
  • Communication with other Duke deans and units to promote the strategic goals and priorities of "Making a Difference" and subsequent planning and to bring and retain the best faculty to meet those priorities.
  • Fostering a climate for research and teaching in the sciences and engineering within and across schools.

The report will be presented to Provost Lange by April 11. The committee invites members of the Duke community to share their thoughts by email or letter, or to communicate orally with any committee member. Communication should include the nature of your interactions with Simon. The committee may include comments it receives in its report to the provost, but authors will remain anonymous. Please send all comments by March 14, 2011.

Comments may be sent by email to Susan Jones, Letters can be sent by campus mail to Susan Jones, Box 90005, Durham, NC 27708 or delivered to 220 Allen Building.