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News Tip -- Experts Available to Comment on Obama Climate Change Plan

President to announce efforts on Tuesday

President Obama on Tuesday is to announce plans to address climate change that could include permitting more renewable energy on public land, promote energy efficiency and use the authority given to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to address greenhouse gases from power plants under the Clean Air Act.

Research by Duke University's Tim Profeta and Jonas Monast focuses on cost-effective options for using the Clean Air Act to protect public health and encourage deployment of innovative technologies. This includes key considerations likely to arise if energy efficiency is included as an option for states needing to secure reductions from existing sources, and how potential regulatory tools under the Clean Air Act -- beyond greenhouse gas rules -- could accelerate deployment of technologies to reduce emissions. This research is viewable at Tim ProfetaDirector, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University.tim.profeta@duke.edu Jonas MonastDirector, Climate and Energy Program, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke Universityjonas.monast@duke.edu   _   _   _    Duke experts on a variety of other topics can be found at