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I Pledge ... to Make a Sustainable Difference

Duke Community Encouraged to Sign Sustainable Duke Pledge

Does global warming seem too global for an individual to impact? Not so, says Duke's Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment William Chameides. Even seemingly small efforts can add up to significant change.

"If every home in the United States changed out three regular light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, it would be equivalent to taking 3 million cars off the road," he said. "We simply need to be smarter about how we use energy. That involves lifestyle changes. Some of those are fairly trivial, like turning the lights off and using less water."

Take Pledge

Duke is inviting all students, faculty, and staff to join together to make a sustainable difference by signing the Sustainable Duke Pledge. The pledge is meant to raise awareness about sustainability issues and encourage members of the Duke community to consider the environmental, social and economic impact of their daily decisions.

Every person who signs the pledge will receive a Sustainable Duke reusable shopping bag made from organic cotton. The reusable bag will help reduce the use of paper and plastic bags as well as help share the message of sustainability with others.

Individuals can also share their sustainable stories, ideas and efforts through the site, so they can be shared with the broader campus community to inspire others.

Make your contribution to greening Duke. Sign the pledge and be a part of Duke's vision for a sustainable future at