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Announcement from the Review Committee for President Richard H. Brodhead

Since 1982, in addition to annual performance reviews, Duke University has conducted at regular intervals, reviews of the President of the University, the senior officers and deans. The Board of Trustees believes these reviews have been useful for these university leaders and healthy for the university community.

In accordance with established procedures with the Academic Council that mandate a review at the end of the third year of the first five-year term, Board of Trustees Chairman Robert K. Steel, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Board and the Executive Committee of the Academic Council, has charged a committee of trustees and faculty to gather and distill information for the trustees to consider in its review of President Brodhead's period of service. The committee includes: Trustee Daniel T. Blue, Jr., as chair, Trustees Paula P. Burger, Alan D. Schwartz, and Anthony Vitarelli and Professors Sara Sun Beale, Dennis A. Clements, and Sherman A. James. Chairman Steel has charged the Presidential Review Committee:

to invite and gather information and opinions widely from faculty, administrators, employees, students, alumni, friends of the University and leaders in higher education. The review should focus on the effectiveness of the President in leading this complex and ambitious University and in articulating a vision for its future among leading universities. Information may be gathered by mail, email, and through meetings with individual. The committee is charged with organizing the information and advice it receives and to providing a summary for the Board of Trustees of the information and opinions gathered, including strengths and areas for improvement.


The Presidential Review Committee welcomes information from members of the university community. Information provided to the committee will be held in confidence but may be reported without attribution as part of the summary report that will be submitted to the Board of Trustees. If you wish to share your thoughts with members of the committee, please do so by October 29.

Presidential Review Committee

Duke University

Daniel T. Blue, Jr., Chair

Post Office Box 91627

Raleigh, North Carolina

Email: or